Jo Berry: The Disarming Power of Empathy
Our latest Spotlight is with Jo Berry, peace activist and founder of Building Bridges for Peace. Jo tells the remarkable story of how she met and came to build a bridge - and eventually, a friendship - with Patrick McGee, the IRA bomber behind the 1984 Brighton bombing. In that bombing, Jo's father - Conservative MP Sir Anthony Berry - was killed.
In this podcast, Jo offers hope through a radically different way of perceiving a world seemingly full of strife and disarray. Rather than focus on differences and conflict, Jo turns to the disarming power of empathy and compassion to build bridges across seemingly uncrossable divides.
Jo Berry: Founder, Building Bridges for Peace
Jo Berry is an international peace activist and the founder of Building Bridges for Peace, a charity dedicated to conflict resolution and promoting peace around the world.
In 1984 an IRA bomb, planted in the Grand Hotel in Brighton, killed Jo Berry’s father. Jo knew she had a choice: to harbour feelings of hatred and anger, or to seek understanding and so bring peace back into her life. She chose peace.
Following his release from prison Jo sought out a meeting with Patrick Magee, the Brighton bomber. And from that initial three hours spent together Jo and Patrick have formed a remarkable friendship, based on compassion and respect.
For the past 15 years they have travelled the world spreading a message of peace and understanding in areas such as Palestine and Israel, Rwanda, Lebanon and through the UK.
Jo also facilitates workshops in many parts of the world, working with victims of genocide, war and terrorism as well as working alongside others whose own legacy of conflict has been transformed into one of peaceful acceptance and compassion.