How To Make Time For Your Goals (Even If You Are Stressed Out And Run Ragged)


Welcome to the Spring Equinox and that start of spring.  We have had the St Patrick's day blow out and it is finally starting to get warmer.  So, how are those New Year's resolutions looking now?

What?  Why on earth am I mentioning new year's resolutions?  

Well, research and timing!

Research: According to US News, 80% of people fail in their new year's resolutions and goals by the second week of February.  Equally, research by ComRes/BUPA found that 80% of people in the UK who set a new year's resolution or goal fail within 3 months.

Timing: Historically, the Spring Equinox (the time when day and night are equal length) has been a time of reflection on the past and the future.  In a more modern context, we are near the end of the first quarter of 2018 and there are still 9 months to go.  So it is a great time to review, re-energise and re-commit.

So, if you are part of that 80% who set resolutions or goals in January that are now a source of regret or a distant memory...NOW is the time to get 'back on the horse'.

But Time Is The Issue...

One of the biggest reasons that we hear in our work about why people don't change is just a chronic lack of time.

The truth is that finding the time to work on your goals is super-tough when you are drowning at work, email and social media are fighting for your attention and you aren’t getting enough time with your family.

Don’t be too hard on yourself if that is where you find yourself.  Some of that is just the crazy, information-overloaded age we live in.

That being said, you also don’t want to be part of the ‘coulda, woulda, shoulda’ club either.  Too many people allow time to go by without getting started on their goals, and then wake up one day feeling like it is too late.  Don’t let that be you!


The Remedy

So, what do you do if you have big dreams and want more freedom, but don’t have the time? 

Here’s the secret…little and often.

Let me explain…your success is dependent on consistent, strategic and small actions rather than HUGE MAMMOTH efforts.  Small daily habits and routines done consistently over time lead to huge change.


Create A Success Ritual - The 'Plenty Twenty'

So, here is your mission..(should you choose to accept it!) –

We want you to design yourself a simple success ritual that supports the changes you want to make.  Something easy and simple that you can commit to.  Nothing too complicated.

We call this the 'Plenty Twenty'.

Here are the elements to think about:

1. When?

When can you show up at the same time every day and focus on your goals and aspirations?  Many people talk about the power hour, but that can be way too much time to find.  20 minutes of focused attention a day can work wonders…which is why we call it the ‘Plenty Twenty’!  This is what we want you to focus on.

2. Where?

Where are you going to be when you work on your transformation to really rock it?  For example, if you want a health breakthrough but hate the gym, choose another environment… a yoga studio, the park, your garden, a cosy corner in your house...

3. What?

What are you going to spend your ‘Plenty Twenty’ working on?  What is the next tiny action step that you can take in 20 minutes or less towards your goals?  At the end of each 20-minute session, ask yourself what the next action will be and write down the answer.  That sets you up for your next session…all you then have to do is show up and take action. 

If health is your focus, it might be deciding what to do for your next workout.  If starting your own business, it might be research, planning or networking….and so on.  Never leave your Plenty Twenty without knowing what you are working on next time.  That is how you will build consistency and momentum.

4. Why?

At the start of each Plenty Twenty, take a moment to connect with your WHY – why you want to create change, why you want to build a different future, why you want to make your own rules.

If you are not sure of your WHY, use one Plenty Twenty session to write down the top 5-7 reasons why you want to create that future..and think about the benefits not just for you but for those around you as well.

Say your why out loud at the start of each session and you will energise yourself for each session, meaning fear and doubt won’t get a foot in the door.

5. How

How are you going to add to your ritual to get yourself really energised?  Put on your favourite music?  Dance as if no one is watching?  Go get some fresh air first?

You can choose whatever you want to get yourself in the right state.  You can do the same thing every time…or choose to mix it up.  The choice is yours.


So that’s it!  Nail down your 'Plenty Twenty', show up regularly and take action.  That way you know that, even if you are just taking baby step, you are taking consistent action towards your goals that will add up over time.  On top of that, you are flexing your decision-making muscles and building the 'taking action' habit.  

These skills are actually the basis for any and all success in life, not just your 2018 goals.  If you want to pivot and change your life, make the 'Plenty Twenty' the focus of your efforts, and you will be well on your way before you know it!


YOUR TURN: Leave a comment and tell us one goal that you are going for, that will be the focus of your 'Plenty Twenty'.  We're rooting for you!